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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2020 Xiao, Xiayun Vegetation, climate and human impact since 20 ka in central Yunnan Province based on high-resolution pollen and charcoal records from Dianchi, southwestern China Quaternary Science Reviews [Xiao, 2020 #36653]
Journal Article 2020 Klassen, Sarah Top-down and bottom-up water management: a diachronic model of changing water management strategies at Angkor, Cambodia Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Klassen, 2020 #19619]
Journal Article 2020 Wang, Qian
Interactions between climate change and early agriculture in SW China and their effect on lake ecosystem functioning at centennial timescales over the last 2000 years Quaternary Science Reviews [Wang, 2020 #19615]
Journal Article 2020 Ren, Lele Foraging and farming: Archaeobotanical and zooarchaeological evidence for Neolithic exchange on the Tibetan Plateau Antiquity [Ren, 2020 #19611]
Journal Article 2020 Barton, Loukas The earliest farmers of northwest China exploited grain-fed pheasants not chickens Scientific Reports [Barton, 2020 #19052]
Journal Article 2020 Denham, Tim The domestication syndrome in vegetatively-propagated field crops Annals of Botany [Denham, 2020 #19047]
Journal Article 2004 Haas, Jonathan Power and the Emergence of Complex Polities in the Peruvian Preceramic Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes [Haas, 2004 #19040]
Journal Article 2019 Wei Ge Investigating the late neolithic millet agriculture in Southeast China: New multidisciplinary evidences Quaternary International [Wei 2019 #19020]
Journal Article 2019 Tripathi, Swati Floristic and climatic reconstruction in the Indo-Burma region for the last 13,000 cal. yr: a palynological interpretation from the endangered wetlands of Assam, northeast India The Holocene [Tripathi, 2019 #19007]
Book Section in a Series 1990 Schoenwetter, James Lessons from an Alternative View Powers of Observation: Alternative Views in Archeology [Schoenwetter, 1990 #25218]
Book Section in a Series 1992 Smith, Bruce D. Mississippian Elites and Solar Alignments-- A Reflection of Managerial Necessity, or Levers of Social Inequality? Lords of the Southeast: Social Inequality and the Native Elites of Southeastern North America [Smith, 1992 #25258]
Book Section in a Series 1992 Kidder, Tristram R. Coles Creek Period Social Organization and Evolution in Northeast Louisiana Lords of the Southeast: Social Inequality and the Native Elites of Southeastern North America [Kidder, 1992 #25251]
Book Section 1997 Diehl, Michael W. Rational behavior, the adoption of agriculture, and the organization of subsistence during the Late Archaic period in the Greater Tucson Basin Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Diehl, 1997 #22143]
Journal Article 2019 Acabado, Stephen B. The short history of the Ifugao tice terraces: a local response to the Spanish conquest Journal of Field Archaeology [Acabado, 2019 #26664]
Journal Article 2018 Lape, Peter New data from an open Neolithic site in Eastern Indonesia Asian Perspectives [Lape, 2018 #26715]
Journal Article 2018 Barton, Huw Vegecultures and the social–biological transformations of plants and people Quaternary International [Barton, 2018 #26741]
Journal Article 2018 Yong Ge, Phytolith analysis for the identification of barnyard millet (<i>Echinochloa </i> sp.) and its implications Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Yong 2018 #26763]
Journal Article 2012 Nasu, Hiroo Land-use change for rice and foxtail millet cultivation in the Chengtoushan site, central China, reconstructed from weed seed assemblages Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Nasu, 2012 #26762]
Journal Article 1998 Crawford, Gary. W. The origins of rice agriculture: recent progress in East Asia Antiquity [Crawford, 1998 #26786]
Journal Article 1995 Harris, David Early agriculture in New Guinea and the Torres Strait divide Antiquity [Harris, 1995 #26780]
Journal Article 1995 Yen, D. E. The development of Sahul agriculture with Australia as bystander Antiquity [Yen, 1995 #26791]
Journal Article 2017 Acabado, Stephen Status differentiation, agricultural intensificiation, and pottery production in precapitalist Kiyyangn, Ifugao, Philippines Archaeological Research in Asia [Acabado, 2017 #26812]
Journal Article 2017 Bates, J. Approaching rice domestication in South Asia: new evidence from Indus settlements in northern India Journal of Archaeological Science [Bates, 2017 #26838]
Journal Article 2017 Stevens, Chris J. The spread of agriculture in eastern Asia Language Dynamics and Change [Stevens, 2017 #26902]
Journal Article 1981 Peterson, Jean Treloggen Game, farming, and interethnic relations in northeastern Luzon, Philippines Human Ecology [Peterson, 1981 #26945]
Book Section 1998 Supapoj, N. Using organic material to improve soil productivity in rainfed lowland rice in northeast Thailand Rainfed Lowland Rice: Advances in Nutrient Management Research [Supapoj, 1998 #22317]
Journal Article 2014 Barton, Loukas An evaluation of competing hypotheses for the early adoption of wheat in East Asia World Archaeology [Barton, 2014 #26964]
Journal Article 2013 Dodson, John R. Origin and spread of wheat in China Quaternary Science Reviews [Dodson, 2013 #26963]
Journal Article 2014 Hung, Hsiao-chun Foragers, fishers and farmers: origins of the Taiwanese Neolithic Antiquity [Hung, 2014 #26972]
Thesis 2015 Shkrum, Stephanie Anne Oral health and the intensification of agriculture at Ban Non War, Thailand [Shkrum, 2015 #36273]