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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2018 Acabado, Stephen Zones of refuge: Resisting conquest in the northern Philippine highlands through environmental practice Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Acabado, 2018 #26726]
Journal Article 2002 Nagaoka, Lisa The effects of resource depression on foraging efficiency, diet breadth, and patch use in southern New Zealand Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Nagaoka, 2002 #32513]
Journal Article 2005 Penny, Dan Microfossil evidence of land-use intensification in north Thailand Journal of Archaeological Science [Penny, 2005 #30580]
Journal Article 2003 Simpson, Ian A. Fuel resource utilisation in landscapes of settlement Journal of Archaeological Science [Simpson, 2003 #31820]
Journal Article 2018 Biggs, David Clearing, "wasting," and regreening: an environmental history of bare hills in Central Vietnam Journal of Asian Studies [Biggs, 2018 #26679]
Journal Article 2004 Maxwell, Andrew L. Fire regimes in north-eastern Cambodian monsoonal forests, with a 9300-year sediment charcoal record Journal of Biogeography [Maxwell, 2004 #31250]
Journal Article 1985 Maloney, Bernard K. Man's impact on the rainforests of West Malesia: the palynological record Journal of Biogeography [Maloney, 1985 #33864]
Journal Article 1976 Stargardt, Janice Man's impact on the ancient environment of the Satingpra Peninsula, south Thailand. II. Ancient agriculture Journal of Biogeography [Stargardt, 1976 #35359]
Journal Article 1976 Stargardt, Janice Man's impact on the ancient environment of the Satingpra Peninsula, south Thailand. I. The natural environment and natural change Journal of Biogeography [Stargardt, 1976 #35360]
Journal Article 1988 Flenley, John R. Palynological evidence for land use changes in South-East Asia Journal of Biogeography [Flenley, 1988 #35989]
Journal Article 2004 Anshari, Gusti Environmental change and peatland forest dynamics in the Lake Sentarum area, West Kalimantan, Indonesia Journal of Quaternary Science [Anshari, 2004 #28536]
Journal Article 2003 Innes, James B. Dating the introduction of cereal cultivation to the British Isles: early palaeoecological evidence from the Isle of Man Journal of Quaternary Science [Innes, 2003 #31252]
Book Section 1999 Hope, Geoff Holocene vegetation histories in the Western Pacific: alternative records of human impact Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Hope, 1999 #23989]
Book Section 1999 Stevenson, Janelle Human impact from the paleoenvironmental record on New Caledonia Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Stevenson, 1999 #23999]
Book Section 1999 Williams, Corrie Faunal composition of Pamwak site, Manus Island, PNG Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Williams, 1999 #24000]
Book Section 1999 Clark, Jeffrey T. Environmental change and human prehistory on Totoya island, Fiji Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Clark, 1999 #24001]
Journal Article 1979 Rambo, A. Terry Primitive man's impact on genetic resources of the Malaysian tropical rain forest Malaysian Applied Biology [Rambo, 1979 #36005]
Journal Article 1988 Sondaar, P. Y. Colonization of islands by early man and its effect on the environment Modern Geology [Sondaar, 1988 #28752]
Book Section 2008 Lustig, Terry Did traditional cultures live in harmony with nature? Lessons from Angkor, Cambodia Modern myths of the Mekong: a critical review of water and development concepts, principles and policies [Lustig, 2008 #22629]
Book Section 2001 Zhou, Weijian The effect of humans on the desert-loess boundary system in monsoon China Monsoon and civilization: the 2nd international workshop of the ALDP (Asian Lake Drilling Programme) [Zhou, 2001 #24569]
Journal Article 2004 Rolett, Barry Environmental predictors of pre-European deforestation on Pacific islands Nature [Rolett, 2004 #30635]
Journal Article 1980 Maloney, Bernard K. Pollen analytical evidence for early forest clearance in North Sumatra Nature [Maloney, 1980 #35711]
Journal Article 2001 Boyd, W. E. Iron age vegetation dynamics and human impacts on the vegetation of Upper Mun River floodplain, N.E. Thailand New Zealand Geographer [Boyd, 2001 #32508]
Journal Article 2000 van der Kaars, Sander A late Quaternary palaeoecological record from the Banda Sea, Indonesia: patterns of vegetation, climate and biomass burning in Indonesia and northern Australia Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [van 2000 #31333]
Journal Article 2001 Pudjoarinto, Agus Pollen-stratigraphic evidence of human activity at Dieng, central Java Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Pudjoarinto, 2001 #32474]
Journal Article 2001 Haberle, Simon G. Biomass burning in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea: natural and human induced fire events in the fossil record Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Haberle, 2001 #32477]
Journal Article 2001 Boyd, William E. The geoarchaeology of the prehistoric ditched sites of the upper Mae Nam Mun Valley, NE Thailand, III: Late Holocene vegetation history Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Boyd, 2001 #34148]
Journal Article 2014 Penny, Dan The environmental impact of Cambodia's ancient Mahendraparvata (Phnom Kulen) PLoS One [Penny, 2014 #36838]
Journal Article 2013 Evans, Damian H. Uncovering archaeological landscapes at Angkor using lidar PNAS [Evans, 2013 #27974]
BAR Section 1985 Spriggs, Matthew Prehistoric man-induced landscape enhancement in the Pacific: examples and implications Prehistoric intensive agriculture in the tropics [Spriggs, 1985 #19665]