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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 2015 Matsumura, H. Hoabinhians: a key population with which to debate the peopling of Southeast Asia Emergence and diversity of modern human behavior in paleolithic Asia [Matsumura, 2015 #22378]
Book Section 2003 Nguyen Viet, Archaeology of death in Vietnam: from Hoabinhian to Dongsonian Fishbones and glittering emblems: Southeast Asian archaeology 2002 [Nguyen 2003 #24345]
Journal Article 2002 Tallis, G. M. Misclassification, correlation, and cause of death studies Human Biology [Tallis, 2002 #33718]
Journal Article 2002 Eller, Elise Effects of ascertainment bias on recovering human demographic history Human Biology [Eller, 2002 #33719]
Journal Article 2002 Yanagihara, Richard JC virus genotypes in the Western Pacific suggest Asian mainland relationships and virus association with early population movements Human Biology [Yanagihara, 2002 #33722]
Book Section 1980 McDonald, Peter An historical perspective to population growth in Indonesia Indonesia: the making of a culture [McDonald, 1980 #24015]
Journal Article 1981 A. Adi Sukadana Human remains from Liang Bua and their affinities with the finds from Lewoleba and Melolo Indonesian Journal of Bioanthropology [A. 1981 #31549]
Journal Article 2011 Cox, K. J. Intrinsic or extrinsic population growth in Iron Age northeast Thailand? The evidence from isotopic analysis Journal of Archaeological Science [Cox, 2011 #28451]
Journal Article 2021 D'Cunha, Mary Grace T. Modeling water crossings leading to the arrival of early Homo in Sulawesi, Indonesia, via paleoclimate drift experiments Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [D'Cunha, 2021 #36994]
Book Section 1994 Tani, Masakazu Why should more pots break in larger households? Mechanisms underlying population estimates from ceramics Kalinga Ethnoarchaeology: Expanding Archaeological Method and Theory [Tani, 1994 #24731]
Journal Article 1987 Nguyen Dinh Khoa, Mot khung phan loai cua nganh Mongoloid [ A classification frame for Mongoloid branch] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1987 #31114]
Journal Article 1982 Nguyen Quang Quyen, Ban luan them ve cac loai hinh nhan chung o Viêt Nam va van de nguon goc nguoi Viet ( Kinh ) [ New thoughts on human types in Vietnam and on the question of the origin of the Viets ( Kinh )] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1982 #31288]
Journal Article 1980 Vo Hung, Ban them ve su sap xep cac nhom loa i hinh chung toc o Viêt Nam [ Further notes on the classification of racial types in Viêt Nam ] Khao Co Hoc [Vo 1980 #31321]
Book Section 1999 Budda, P. Pb and Sr isotope composition of human dental enamel: an indicator of Pacific islander population dynamics Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Budda, 1999 #23993]
Book Section 1980 Christenson, Andrew L. Change in the human food niche in response to population growth Modeling change in prehistoric subsistence economics [Christenson, 1980 #24574]
Journal Article 2006 Brumm, Adam Early stone technology on Flores and its implication for <i>Homo floresiensis</i> Nature [Brumm, 2006 #28531]
Journal Article 2019 Westaway, Michael C. The first hominin fleet Nature Ecology & Evolution [Westaway, 2019 #18952]
Journal Article 2016 Crema, Enrico R. Summed probability distribution of 14C dates suggests regional divergences in the population dynamics of the Jomon period in Eastern Japan PLOS One [Crema, 2016 #26611]
Book Section 1994 Vickery, Michael What and where was Chenla? Recherches nouvelles sur le Cambodge [Vickery, 1994 #23265]
Journal Article 2000 Gin, Ooi Keat Historical writings on the indigenous peoples of Sarawak since 1945: a brief review and some proposals Sarawak Museum Journal [Gin, 2000 #28524]
Journal Article 2006 Mellars, P. Going east: new genetic and archaeological perspectives on the modern human colonization of Eurasia Science [Mellars, 2006 #27793]
Journal Article 2004 Normile, Dennis Consortium hopes to map human history in Asia Science [Normile, 2004 #30338]
Journal Article 2019 Matsumura, Hirofumi Craniometrics reveal "two layers" of prehistoric human dispersal in eastern Eurasia Scientific Reports [Matsumura, 2019 #26676]
Book Section 1990 Sumner, W. M. An archaeological estimate of population trends since 6000 BC in the Kur River Basin, Fars Province, Iran South Asian Archaeology 1987. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, held in the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice [Sumner, 1990 #23295]
Journal Article 1952 Von Koenigswald, G. H. R. Evidence of a prehistoric australomelanesoid population in Malaya and Indonesia Southwestern Journal of Anthropology [Von 1952 #35215]
Book Section in a Series 2018 Bulbeck, David Holocene site occupancy in Sulawesi The Archaeology of Sulawesi [Bulbeck, 2018 #25323]
Thesis-PhD 1998 Hawkey, Diane Elizabeth Out of Asia: dental evidence for affinities and microevolution of early populations from India/Sri Lanka [Hawkey, 1998 #36547]