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Ref ID: 27793
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Mellars, P.
Title: Going east: new genetic and archaeological perspectives on the modern human colonization of Eurasia
Date: 2006
Source: Science
DOI: 10.1126/science.1128402
Abstract: The pattern of dispersal of biologically and behaviorally modern human populations from their African origins to the rest of the occupied world between ~60,000 and 40,000 years ago is at present a topic of lively debate, centering principally on the issue of single versus multiple dispersals. Here I argue that the archaeological and genetic evidence points to a single successful dispersal event, which took genetically and culturally modern populations fairly rapidly across southern and southeastern Asia into Australasia, and with only a secondary and later dispersal into Europe.
Date Created: 2/9/2016
Volume: 313
Number: 5788
Page Start: 796
Page End: 800