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Ref ID: 31288
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Nguyen Quang Quyen,
Nguyen Thien Hung,
Title: Ban luan them ve cac loai hinh nhan chung o Viêt Nam va van de nguon goc nguoi Viet ( Kinh ) [ New thoughts on human types in Vietnam and on the question of the origin of the Viets ( Kinh )]
Date: 1982
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not ncluded
Abstract: First of all, the authors recommend the cancellation of the expressions « Indonesian » and «South Asian», to be replaced by « Southeast Asian type ». Ancient indonesian crania should rather be called as ancient Southeast Asian crania, whereas the present ones in SEA as modern SEA. Concerning the anthropological types in vietnam,, the authors hold the views that from early Neolithic, the 2 Australoid and Mongoloid factors had been existing in parallel till today. The Australoid factor was manifested in ancient crania and isolated groups among the montagnards of the Central Highlands They give the names to ancient crania of early Neolithic as ancient Montagnard type, and the expression « Montagnard type » is used for certain Montragnard tribes still living in the Highlands. The Mongoloid factor occured a bit later. Ancient SEA type was the mixture of Autraloid and Mongoloid. The distribution had been throughout SEA, and depending on north or south, the Mongoloid or Autraloid factor was more prevalent. SEA type comprises almost all inhabitants in Vietnam, who are direct descendants of the race mixtures through various phases between ancient SEA type and south Mongoloid type whose Mongoloid elements kept on increasing throught different periods of history.
Date Created: 2/10/2004
Volume: 41
Page Start: 1
Page End: 7