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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2015 Evans, Damian The landscape of Angkor Wat redefined Antiquity [Evans, 2015 #27859]
Journal Article 2015 Fletcher, Roland Angkor Wat: an introduction Antiquity [Fletcher, 2015 #27860]
Journal Article 2010 Hendrickson, Mitch Historic routes to Angkor: development of the Khmer road system (ninth to thirteenth centuries AD) in mainland Southeast Asia Antiquity [Hendrickson, 2010 #28238]
Journal Article 2011 Domett, K. M. Bioarchaeological evidence for conflict in iron age north-west Cambodia Antiquity [Domett, 2011 #28476]
Journal Article 2008 Fletcher, Roland The water management network of Angkor, Cambodia Antiquity [Fletcher, 2008 #29429]
Journal Article 2001 O'Reilly, Dougald J. W. Recent excavations in northwest Cambodia Antiquity [O'Reilly, 2001 #34409]
Journal Article 2020 Shewan, Louise Isotopic insights into the jar-and-coffin mortuary ritual of the Cardamom Mountains, Cambodia Antiquity [Shewan, 2020 #36904]
Journal Article 2016 Penny, Dan 'Here be dragons': integrating scientific data and place-based observation for environmental management Applied Geography [Penny, 2016 #27630]
Journal Article 2019 Grave, Peter The Southeast Asian water frontier: coastal trade and mid-fifteenth c. CE "hill tribe" burials, southeastern Cambodia Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Grave, 2019 #18960]
Journal Article 2017 Carter, Alison Glass artifacts at Angkor: evidence for exchange Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Carter, 2017 #26894]
Journal Article 2017 Leroy, S. The ties that bind: archaeometallurgical typology of architectural crampons as a method for reconstructing the iron economy of Angkor, Cambodia (tenth to thirteenth c.) Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Leroy, 2017 #26929]
Journal Article 2015 O'Reilly, Dougald A report on the 2011-2012 excavation of Lovea: An Iron Age, moated settlement in Cambodia Archaeological Research in Asia [O'Reilly, 2015 #27007]
Journal Article 2020 Castillo, Cristina Cobo The Khmer did not live by rice alone: archaeobotanical investigations at Angkor Wat and Ta Prohm Archaeological Research in Asia [Castillo, 2020 #36792]
Journal Article 2020 Shewan, L. G. Baseline bioavailable strontium isotope values for the investigation of residential mobility and resource-acquisitions strategies in prehistoric Cambodia Archaeometry [Shewan, 2020 #19609]
Journal Article 2016 Carter, A. K. Glass beads from 15th-17th century CE jar burial sites in Cambodia's Cardamom Mountains Archaeometry [Carter, 2016 #26966]
Journal Article 2010 Caro, F. Towards a quantitative petrographic databse of Khmer stone materials -- Koh Ker style Archaeometry [Caro, 2010 #27866]
Journal Article 2015 Grave, P. Differentiating Khmer stoneware production: an NAA pilot study from Siem Reap Province, Cambodia Archaeometry [Grave, 2015 #37277]
Journal Article 2000 Haidle, Miriam Noël Ein Anfang vom Ende des Forschungkolonialismus? Ein Entwicklungshilfeprojekt zum Aufbau einer eigenständigen Feldarchäologie in Kambodscha. Archäologische Informationen [Haidle, 2000 #27970]
Journal Article 1988 Mourer, Roland Préhistoire du Cambodge Archeologia / Préhistoire et Archéologie [Mourer, 1988 #29193]
Book 1879 Noulet, J. B. L'âge de la pierre polie et du bronze au Cambodge d'après les découvertes de M.J. Moura Archives du musée d'histoire naturelle de Toulouse [Noulet, 1879 #20856]
Book Section 2003 Stark, Miriam T. Angkor Borei and the archaeology of Cambodia's Mekong Delta Art and archaeology of Fu Nan: pre-Khmer kingdom of the Lower Mekong Valley [Stark, 2003 #23472]
Journal Article 1956 Boisselier, Jean Arts du Champa et du Cambodge préangkorien. La Date de Mi-so'n E-1 Artibus Asiae [Boisselier, 1956 #28373]
Journal Article 1956 Malleret, Louis Objets de bronze communs au Cambodge, à la Malaisie et à l'Indonésie Artibus Asiae [Malleret, 1956 #29330]
Journal Article 2014 Tan, Noel Hidalgo Rock art research in Southeast Asia: an synthesis Arts [Tan, 2014 #28180]
Journal Article 2004 Gaucher, Jacques Angkor Thom, une utopie réalisée? Structuration de l’espace et modèle indien d’urbanisme dans le Cambodge ancien Arts Asiatiques [Gaucher, 2004 #27848]
Journal Article 2010 Provost-Roche, Ludivine Nouvelles perspectives pour la connaissance de l'histoire de la fin de la période angkorienne au Cambodge: notes sur quelques bas-reliefs de la galerie intérieure du Bayon Arts Asiatiques [Provost-Roche, 2010 #28222]
Journal Article 2010 Hendrickson, Mitch La voie royal était-elle dallée?: re-appraising a myth of the Angkorian period road system (ninth to fifteenth centuries CE) Aséanie [Hendrickson, 2010 #26931]
Journal Article 2012 Shimoda, Ichita Spatial and chronological sketch of the ancient city of Sambor Prei Kuk Aséanie [Shimoda, 2012 #28105]
Journal Article 2009 Baird, Ian G. From Champasak to Cambodia: Ya Chao Tham (Chao Thammatheva), a wily and influential ethnic Lao leader Aséanie [Baird, 2009 #28645]
Journal Article 2004 Vickery, Michael Cambodia and its neighbors in the 15th century Asia Research Institute Working Papers Series [Vickery, 2004 #28955]