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Ref ID: 27860
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Fletcher, Roland
Evans, Damian
Pottier, Christophe
Rachna, Chhay
Title: Angkor Wat: an introduction
Date: 2015
Source: Antiquity
Abstract: The temple of Angkor Wat, visited annually by tens of thousands of tourists, is without question one of the great archaeological sites of mainland Southeast Asia. Less obvious to the casual visitor is that it was but a single element in a large dispersed city. The papers in this special section demonstrate how recent research using LiDAR, ground-penetrating radar and targeted excavation have transformed our understanding of Angkor Wat and its surroundings.
Date Created: 1/27/2016
Volume: 89
Number: 348
Page Start: 1388
Page End: 1401
