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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1982 White, Joyce C. Natural history investigations at Ban Chiang Expedition [White, 1982 #34437]
Book 1983 Kira Tatsuo Nettairin no seitai [Kira 1983 #20259]
Book 1983 Pianka, Eric R. Evolutionary ecology [Pianka, 1983 #21310]
Journal Article 1983 Nishida, Masaki The emergence of food production in Neolithic Japan Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Nishida, 1983 #29062]
Book Section 1984 Kaida, Y. Climate and agricultural land use in Thailand Climate and agricultural land use in monsoon Asia [Kaida, 1984 #24616]
Journal Article 1984 Spriggs, M. Discovering the three ages of mysterious Tikopia [Review of "Tikopia: the prehistory and ecology of a Polynesian outlier" by Kirch, P. and D. Yen] Pacific Islands Monthly [Spriggs, 1984 #29040]
Book (Edited) 1985 Hutterer, Karl L. Cultural values and human ecology in Southeast Asia [Hutterer, 1985 #21606]
Journal Article 1985 Erickson, Jonathon E. Strontium isotope characterization in the study of prehistoric human ecology Journal of Human Evolution [Erickson, 1985 #34720]
Journal Article 1985 Maloney, Bernard K. Review of "The ecology of Sumatra," by A. J. Whitten et al Indonesia Circle [Maloney, 1985 #35680]
Book 1986 Forman, Richard T. T. Landscape Ecology [Forman, 1986 #21234]
Journal Article 1986 Ehleringer, J. R. Leaf carbon isotope and mineral composition in subtropical plants along an irradiance cline Oecologia [Ehleringer, 1986 #26606]
Journal Article 1987 Ehleringer, J. R. Leaf carbon isotope ratios of plants from a subtropical monsoon forest Oecologia [Ehleringer, 1987 #26607]
Book Section 1988 Rambo, A. Terry Why are the Semang? Ecology and ethnogenesis of aboriginal groups in peninsular Malaysia Ethnic diversity and the control of natural resources in Southeast Asia [Rambo, 1988 #22578]
Journal Article 1988 Mohanty, Pradeep Five seasons of exploration in Keonjhar District, Orissa Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Mohanty, 1988 #29160]
Journal Article 1988 Headland, Thomas N. Ecosystemic change in a Philippine tropical rainforest and its effect on a Negrito foraging society Tropical Ecology [Headland, 1988 #34674]
Book Section 1989 Engelhardt, Richard A., Jr. Forest-gatherers and strand-loopers: econiche specialization in Thailand Culture and environment in Thailand [Engelhardt, 1989 #24659]
Book 1990 Richardson, S. D. Forests and forestry in China: changing patterns of resource development [Richardson, 1990 #19974]
Book Section 1990 Moran, Emilio F. Ecosystem ecology in biology and anthropology: a critical assessment The ecosystem approach in anthropology: from concept to practice [Moran, 1990 #24711]
Journal Article 1991 Wada, E. The use of stable isotopes for food web analysis Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition [Wada, 1991 #34449]
Book Section 1992 Masson, V. M. The environment History of civilizations of Central Asia [Masson, 1992 #23417]
Book 1993 Arnold, Dean E. Ecology and ceramic production in an Andean community [Arnold, 1993 #20283]
Book Section 1994 Michener, R. H. Stable isotope ratios as tracers in marine aquatic food webs Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Michener, 1994 #24451]
Book Section 1994 Crumley, Carole L. Historical ecology: a multidimensional ecological orientation Historical ecology: cultural knowledge and changing landscapes [Crumley, 1994 #24575]
Book Section 1994 Winterhalder, Bruce Concepts in historical ecology: the view from evolutionary ecology Historical ecology: cultural knowledge and changing landscapes [Winterhalder, 1994 #24718]
Book 1995 Brocheux, Pierre The Mekong Delta: ecology, economy, and revolution, 1960-1960 [Brocheux, 1995 #20728]
Journal Article 1995 Stafford, C. Russell Geoarchaeological perspectives on paleolandscapes and regional subsurface archaeology Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory [Stafford, 1995 #34492]
Book Section 1996 Reitz, J. Elizabeth Issues in environmental archaeology Case Studies in Environmental Archaeology [Reitz, 1996 #24593]
Book Section 1996 Brown, Peter J. Disease, ecology, and human behavior Medical anthropology: a handbook of theory and method [Brown, 1996 #24637]
Journal Article 1996 Kirch, P. V. Late Holocene human-induced modifications to a central Polynesian island ecosystem PNAS [Kirch, 1996 #34635]
Book Section 1997 Neiman, Fraser Conspicuous Consumption as Wasteful Advertising: a Darwinian Perspective on Spatial Patterns in Classic Maya Terminal Monument Dates Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Neiman, 1997 #22142]