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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1985 Flenley, John R. Quaternary vegetational and climatic history of island Southeast Asia Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Flenley, 1985 #35988]
Journal Article 1986 Walker, D. Late Pleistocene-early Holocene vegetational and climatic changes in Yunnan Province, southwest China Journal of Biogeography [Walker, 1986 #35656]
Journal Article 1986 van Campo, E. Monsoon fluctuations in two 20,000 year BP oxygen-isotope/pollen records off southwest India Quaternary Research [van 1986 #35657]
Journal Article 1987 Maloney, Bernard K. Drought in Sumatra Weather [Maloney, 1987 #35677]
Journal Article 1988 Spriggs, Matthew Large scale erosion on Kaho'olawe: when did it start? Kaho'olawe Aloha 'Aina [Spriggs, 1988 #28953]
Journal Article 1989 Ambrose, Stanley H. Climate and habitat reconstruction using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of collagen in prehistoric herbivore teeth from Kenya Quaternary Research [Ambrose, 1989 #34805]
Journal Article 1991 Heaney, Lawrence A synopsis of climatic and vegetational change in Southeast Asia Climatic Change [Heaney, 1991 #34673]
Journal Article 1991 Sémah, Anne-Marie Recession of the sea, climatic changes, and the earliest colonization of Java near the Plio-Pleistocene boundary Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Sémah, 1991 #35572]
Journal Article 1991 Heaney, L. R. Climatic and vegetational change in Southeast Asia Climatic Change [Heaney, 1991 #35690]
Book Section 1992 Masson, V. M. The environment History of civilizations of Central Asia [Masson, 1992 #23417]
Journal Article 1994 Pavlides, Christina 35,000-year-old sites in the rainforests of West New Britain, Papua New Guinea Antiquity [Pavlides, 1994 #26776]
Journal Article 1995 Kripalani, R. H. Variability of the summer monsoon rainfall over Thailand--comparison with features over India International Journal of Climatology [Kripalani, 1995 #32596]
Journal Article 1995 Bocherens, Hervé Trophic structure and climate information from isotopic signatures in Pleistocene cave fauna of southern England Journal of Archaeological Science [Bocherens, 1995 #34782]
Book Section 1997 Spriggs, Matthew Landscape catastrophe and landscape enhancement: are either or both true in the Pacific? Historical ecology in the Pacific Islands: prehistoric environmental and landscape change [Spriggs, 1997 #23606]
Journal Article 1997 Kripalani, R. H. Rainfall variability over South-east Asia - connections with Indian monsoon and ENSO extremes: new perspectives International Journal of Climatology [Kripalani, 1997 #32597]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Hsü, Kenneth J. Did the Xinjiang Indo-Europeans leave their home because of global cooling? The bronze age and early iron age peoples of eastern Central Asia. Volume 2: genetics and physical anthropology, metallurgy, textiles, geography and climatology, history, and mythology and ethnology [Hsü, 1998 #26173]
Journal Article 1998 Katzmarzyk, Peter T. Climatic influences on human body size and proportions: ecological adaptations and secular trends American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Katzmarzyk, 1998 #34641]
Journal Article 1999 Penny, Dan Palaeoenvironmental analysis of the Sakon Nakhon Basin, northeast Thailand: palynological perspectives on climate change and human occupation Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Penny, 1999 #34558]
Journal Article 2000 Sun, Xiangjun The vegetation and climate at the last glaciation on the emerged continental shelf of the South China Sea Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Sun, 2000 #28487]
Journal Article 2000 Cranbrook, Earl of Northern Borneo environments of the past 40,000 years: archaeozoological evidence Sarawak Museum Journal [Cranbrook, 2000 #28527]
Journal Article 2000 An, Zhisheng Asynchronous Holocene optimum of the East Asian monsoon Quaternary Science Reviews [An, 2000 #28598]
Journal Article 2000 Pyankov, Vladimir I. C<sub>4</sub> plants in the vegetation of Mongolia: their natural occurrence and geographical distribution in relation to climate Oecologia [Pyankov, 2000 #34340]
Journal Article 2002 Gathorne-Hardy, F. J. Quaternary rainforest refugia in south-east Asia: using termites (Isoptera) as indicators Biological Journal of the Linnean Society [Gathorne-Hardy, 2002 #28504]
Journal Article 2002 Khedari, J. Thailand climatic zones Renewable Energy [Khedari, 2002 #28590]
Journal Article 2003 McGregor, Helen V. Diagenesis and geochemistry of <i>Porites</i> corals from Papua New Guinea: implications for paleoclimate reconstruction Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [McGregor, 2003 #28586]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Koulkova, M. A. Applications of geochemistry to paleoenvironmental reconstruction in southern Siberia Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Koulkova, 2004 #25694]
Journal Article 2004 Aggarwal, Pradeep K. Stable isotope evidence for moisture sources in the Asian summer monsoon under present and past climate regimes Geophysical Research Letters [Aggarwal, 2004 #28599]
Book in a Series (Edited) 2005 Gupta, Avijit The physical geography of Southeast Asia [Gupta, 2005 #22055]
Journal Article 2005 Liu, Khifei Late Quaternary climatic control on erosion and weathering in the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the Mekong Basin Quaternary Research [Liu, 2005 #28850]
Journal Article 2007 Barbour, Margaret M. Stable oxygen isotope composition of plant tissue: a review Functional Plant Biology [Barbour, 2007 #26617]