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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1907 Bonifacy, A. De certaines croyances relatives à la grossesse chez les divers groupes ethniques du Tonkin Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Bonifacy, 1907 #27417]
Book (Edited) 2009 Bourdier, Frédéric Development and dominion: indigenous peoples of Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos [Bourdier, 2009 #21427]
Book 2005 Bouté, Vanina En miroir du pouvoir. Les Phounoy du nord Laos: ethnogenèse et dynamiques d'intégration [Bouté, 2005 #20085]
Book Section 2000 Bowie, Katherine A. Ethnic heterogeneity and elephants in nineteenth-century Lanna statecraft Civility and Savagery [Bowie, 2000 #23247]
Book 1970 Breeks, James Wilkinson An account of the primitive tribes and monuments of the Nilagiris [Breeks, 1970 #20729]
Book Section in a Series 1990 Brumbach, Hetty Jo Archeologist-Ethnographer-Informant Relations: The Dynamcis of Ethnoarchaeology in the Field Powers of Observation: Alternative Views in Archeology [Brumbach, 1990 #25223]
Journal Article 1976 Buchler, Ira R. Social idioms. Review of "Kinship in Bali," by Hildred Geertz and Clifford Geertz Science [Buchler, 1976 #35696]
Journal Article 1849 Burns, R. The Kayans of north-west Borneo Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia [Burns, 1849 #28539]
Journal Article 1945 Capell, Arthur People and languages of Timor Part II Oceania [Capell, 1945 #29910]
Journal Article 1944 Capell, Arthur People and languages of Timor Part I Oceania [Capell, 1944 #29911]
Book 1896 Carey, Bertram S. The Chin Hills: a history of the people, our dealings with them, their customs and manners, and a gazetteer of their country [Carey, 1896 #20712]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Chabot-Hanowell, Benjamin Territorial and Nonterritorial Routes to Power: Reconciling Evolutionary Ecological, Social Agency, and Historicist Approaches Territoriality in Archaeology [Chabot-Hanowell, 2013 #25187]
Book 1987 Chan Moly Sam Khmer court dance: a comprehensive study of movements, gestures, and postures as applied techniques [Chan 1987 #20842]
Book 1977 Chang, Kwang-chih Food in Chinese culture: anthropological and historical perspectives [Chang, 1977 #20696]
Book 1999 Chazée, Laurent The peoples of Laos: Rural and ethnic diversities [Chazée, 1999 #20379]
Journal Article 1938 Colani, Madeleine Ethnographie comparée Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Colani, 1938 #27906]
Journal Article 1936 Colani, Madeleine Essai d'ethnographie. Comparaisons nouvelles et observations Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Colani, 1936 #27907]
Book 1977 Condominas, Georges We have eaten the forest: the story of a Montagnard village in the central highlands of Vietnam [Condominas, 1977 #21280]
Book Section 2000 Corlin, Claes The politics of cosmology: an introduction to millenarianism and ethnicity among highland minorities of northern Thailand Civility and Savagery [Corlin, 2000 #23257]
Book Section in a Series 1974 Crystal, Eric Man and the menhir: contemporary megalithic practice of the Sa'dan Toraja of Sulawesi, Indonesia Ethnoarchaeology [Crystal, 1974 #26107]
Book (Edited) 1921 Dames, Mansel Longworth The book of Duarte Barbosa: an account of the countries bordering on the Indian Ocean and their inhabitants [Dames, 1921 #21526]
Journal Article 1988 de Barros, Philip Societal repercussions of the rise of large-scale traditional iron production: a West African example African Archaeological Review [de 1988 #35548]
Book 1961 Delvert, Jean Le Paysan Cambodgien [Delvert, 1961 #21231]
Book 1968 Dentan, R. K. The Semai, a nonviolent people of Malaya [Dentan, 1968 #21313]
Journal Article 1981 Dessaint, William Y. The T'in (Mal), dry rice cultivators of northern Thailand and northern Laos Journal of the Siam Society [Dessaint, 1981 #36796]
Journal Article 2016 Dixon, Boyd Okinawa as transported landscape: understanding Japanese archaeological remains on Tinian using Ryūkyū ethnohistory and ethnography Asian Perspectives (2015) [Dixon, 2016 #26845]
Book 1986 Dmith, Anthony D. The ethnic origins of nations [Dmith, 1986 #20172]
Book 1985 Dove, Michael R. Swidden agriculture in Indonesia: the subsistence strategies of the Kalimantan Kantu [Dove, 1985 #21281]
Book (Edited) 2004 Duncan, Christopher Civilizing the margins: Southeast Asian government policies for the development of minorities [Duncan, 2004 #21432]
Book Section 1966 Dunn, Frederick L. The current status of ethnographic, genetic, and other biomedical research among the primitive ethnic groups of South-East Asia The biology of human adaptability [Dunn, 1966 #24807]