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Ref ID: 25223
Ref Type: Book Section in a Series
Authors: Brumbach, Hetty Jo
Jarvenpa, Robert
Title: Archeologist-Ethnographer-Informant Relations: The Dynamcis of Ethnoarchaeology in the Field
Date: 1990
Source: Powers of Observation: Alternative Views in Archeology
Publisher: American Anthropological Association
Abstract: An ethnoarcheological investigation in the Canadian subarctic is used to evaluate the role of native informant-field assistants (Chipewyan, Cree, Metis) in the research process. While many informants provide insightful reflections on the recent historical past, “on-site” informant-assistants offer the most meaningful contributions. The latter help locate archeological residues, accompany researchers to sites during survey and/of excavation, identify artifacts and, most significantly, present their own distinctive conceptions of what the material world represents. These differing conceptions are simultaneously vexing and revealing, giving rise to new dilemmas and questions. Is archeology (or ethnoarcheology) a positivist or interpretive social science? If it is a positivist enterprise, how do we identify this as separate from our personal interpretations of the past? Whose truth or perception of the truth do we embrace? These issues are explored as ethnoarcheologists and their informants struggle for a common understanding of artifacts, features, sites and expressions of ethnicity.
Identifier: 0-913167-42-8
Date Created: 7/23/2019
Editors: Nelson, Sarah M.
Kehoe, Alice B.
Number: 2
Page Start: 39
Page End: 46
Series Editor: Clark, G. A.
Series Title: Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association