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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1991 Goodman, Alan H. Dental enamel hypoplasias as indicators of nutritional status Advances in dental anthropology [Goodman, 1991 #24647]
Book Section 1991 Larsen, Clark Spencer Dental caries evidence for dietary change: an archaeological context Advances in dental anthropology [Larsen, 1991 #24719]
Book Section 2015 Lara, Myra Culturally modified teeth in Philippine archaeological sites Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2013: selected papers from the First SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology [Lara, 2015 #22504]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Lim, Eleanor M. S. Patterns in dental health and disease in the Philippine pre-Spanish colonial period Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2019: selected papers from the Third SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology, Bangkok, Thailand 2019 [Lim, 2020 #36963]
Journal Article 2003 Higa, Takako Dental variation of Ryukyu Islanders: a comparative study among Ryukyu, Ainu, and other Asian populations American Journal of Human Biology [Higa, 2003 #32539]
Journal Article 2013 Willis, A. The Neolithic demographic transition and oral health: the southeast Asian experience American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Willis, 2013 #27671]
Journal Article 2014 Matsumura, H. Demographic transitions and migration in prehistoric East/Southeast Asia through the lens of nonmetric dental traits American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Matsumura, 2014 #27716]
Journal Article 2007 Oxenham, M. F. Oral and physiological palaeohealth in cold adapted peoples: northeast Asia, Hokkaido American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Oxenham, 2007 #29592]
Journal Article 1976 McHenry, Henry M. The association between Harris lines and enamel hypoplasia in prehistoric California Indians American Journal of Physical Anthropology [McHenry, 1976 #30582]
Journal Article 2001 Sciulli, Paul W. Evolution of dentition in prehistoric Ohio Valley Native Americans III. Metrics of deciduous dentition American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Sciulli, 2001 #31918]
Journal Article 1978 Turner, Christy G., II The dentition of New Britain West Nakanai Melanesians, VIII. Peopling of the Pacific American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Turner, 1978 #34464]
Journal Article 1990 Turner, Christy G., II Major features of sundadonty and sinodonty, including suggestions about East Asian microevolution, population history, and late Pleistocene relationships with Australian Aboriginals American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Turner, 1990 #34465]
Journal Article 1986 Schneider, K. N. Dental caries, enamel composition, and subsistence among prehistoric Amerindians of Ohio American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Schneider, 1986 #34531]
Journal Article 1976 Hoyme, L. E. S. Ecology of dental disease American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Hoyme, 1976 #34660]
Journal Article 1997 Glen-Haduch, Elzbieta Cribra orbitalia and trace element content in human teeth from Neolithic and Early Bronze Age graves in southern Poland American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Glen-Haduch, 1997 #34703]
Journal Article 1977 Turner, Christy G., II Additional features of Ainu dentition American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Turner, 1977 #35218]
Journal Article 1990 Turner, Christy G., II Major features of Sundadonty and Sinodonty, including suggestions about East Asian microevolution, population history and late Pleistocene relationships with Australian aboriginals American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Turner, 1990 #35355]
Journal Article 1987 Turner, Christy G., II Late Pleistocene and Holocene population history of East Asia based on dental variation American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Turner, 1987 #35356]
Journal Article 1979 Turner, Christy G., II Dental anthropological indications of agriculture among the Jomon people of central Japan American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Turner, 1979 #35357]
Journal Article 1992 Hanihara, Tsunehiko Negritos, Australian aborigines, and the "proto-sundadont" dental pattern: the basic populations of East Asia, V American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Hanihara, 1992 #35412]
Journal Article 2002 Cobb, Janice C. Ancient DNA recovered by a non-destructive method Ancient Biomolecules [Cobb, 2002 #32537]
Journal Article 2015 Tayles, N. A prehistoric flexed human burial from Pha Phen, Middle Mekong Valley, Laos: its context in Southeast Asia Anthropological Science [Tayles, 2015 #27923]
Journal Article 2003 Pietrusewsky, Michael A preliminary assessment of health and disease in human skeletal remains from Shi San Hang: a prehistoric aboriginal site on Taiwan Anthropological Science [Pietrusewsky, 2003 #31257]
Journal Article 1998 Kumar, Ann An Indonesian component in the Yayoi?: the evidence of biological anthropology Anthropological Science [Kumar, 1998 #31968]
Journal Article 2002 Wu, Liu The diet of the Yuanmou hominoid, Yunnan Province, China: an analysis from tooth size and morphology Anthropological Science [Wu, 2002 #31978]
Journal Article 2001 Mizoguchi, Yuji Metric and non-metric characters of the Jomon skulls from the Ebishima shell-mound in northeastern Honshu, Japan Anthropological Science [Mizoguchi, 2001 #31980]
Journal Article 1994 Matsumura, Hirofumi A microevolutional history of the Japanese people from a dental characteristics perspective Anthropological Science [Matsumura, 1994 #31988]
Journal Article 1994 Ishida, Hajime A human skeleton of the early phase of the Okhotsk culture unearthed at the Hamanaka-2 site, Rebun Island, Hokkaido Anthropological Science [Ishida, 1994 #31990]
Journal Article 1994 Shigehara, Nobuo Human skeletal remains of the middle to late Jomon period excavated from the inland Kitamura site, Nagano Prefecture Anthropological Science [Shigehara, 1994 #31991]
Journal Article 1995 Oyamada, Joichi Tooth size of protohistoric Kofun people in southern Kyushu, Japan Anthropological Science [Oyamada, 1995 #31992]