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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1991 Allen, Harry Stegodonts and the dating of stone stool assemblages in island Southeast Asia Asian Perspectives (1991) [Allen, 1991 #32943]
Journal Article 2004 Bekken, Deborah Taxonomic abundance at Panxian Dadong, a Middle Pleistocene cave in south China Asian Perspectives (2004) [Bekken, 2004 #30594]
Book Section 1978 Bhattacharya, A. Biostratigraphy of the marine cretaceous shelf sediments of Meghalaya, India, with special reference to its Indo-Pacific faunal affinity Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Bhattacharya, 1978 #23109]
Journal Article 1984 Braches, Friedrich The Philippines and Pleistocene dispersal of mammals in island Southeast Asia Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society [Braches, 1984 #35826]
Journal Article 2020 Brasseur, Boris A younger "earliest human migration" to Southeast Asia Science [Brasseur, 2020 #19017]
Journal Article 1993 Chaimanee, Yaowalak Pleistocene mammals of Thailand and their use in the reconstruction of the paleoenvironment of Southeast Asia SPAFA Journal [Chaimanee, 1993 #35418]
Journal Article 1991 Ciochon, Russell L. Paleoanthropological and archaeological discoveries from Lang Trang Caves: a new Middle Pleistocene hominid site from northern Viêt Nam Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Ciochon, 1991 #36017]
Journal Article 1939 de Terra, Helmut The Quaternary terrace system of southern Asia and the age of man Geographical Review [de 1939 #31121]
Book Section 1999 Hada, S. Rift-drift history and the amalgamation of Shan-Thai and Indochina/East Malaya Blocks Gondwana Dispersion and Asian Accretion <i>IGCP 321 Final Results Volume</i> [Hada, 1999 #22974]
Journal Article 1961 Harisson, Tom An extinct giant pangolin and associated mammals from Niah Cave, Sarawak Nature [Harisson, 1961 #35514]
Journal Article 2023 Hilgen, Sander L. Revised age and stratigraphy of the classic Homo erectus-bearing succession at Trinil (Java, Indonesia) Quarternary Science Reviews [Hilgen, 2023 #37190]
Journal Article 1991 Hoàng Xuân Chinh, Faunal and cultural changes from Pleistocene to Holocene in Vietnam Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Hoàng 1991 #35617]
Journal Article 1951 Hooijer, Dirk Albert The geological age of Pithecanthropus, Meganthropus and Gigantopithecus American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Hooijer, 1951 #31223]
Journal Article 1946 Hooijer, Dirk Albert On fossil and prehistoric remains of Tapirus from Java, Sumatra and China Zool. Med. Rijksmus van Nat. Hist. [Hooijer, 1946 #31642]
Journal Article 1951 Hooijer, Dirk Albert A note on the Plio-Pleistocene boundary in the Siwal'ik series of India and in Java American Journal of Science [Hooijer, 1951 #35178]
Journal Article 1956 Hooijer, Dirk Albert The lower boundary of the Pleistocene in Java and the age of Pithecanthropus Quaternaria [Hooijer, 1956 #35179]
Journal Article 1957 Hooijer, Dirk Albert The correlation of fossil mammalian faunas and the Plio-Pleistocene boundary in Java Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen, Series B, Physical Sciences [Hooijer, 1957 #35180]
Journal Article 1952 Hooijer, Dirk Albert Fossil mammals and the Plio-Pleistocene boundary in Java Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen, Series B, Physical Sciences [Hooijer, 1952 #35181]
Journal Article 1962 Hooijer, Dirk Albert Report upon a collection of Pleistocene mammals from tin-bearing deposits in a limestone cave near Ipoh, Kinta Valley, Perak Federation Museums Journal, New Series [Hooijer, 1962 #35975]
Journal Article 1975 Hooijer, Dirk Albert Quaternary mammals west and east of Wallace's Line Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Hooijer, 1975 #35976]
Journal Article 1996 Janvier, P. Une faune de Vertébrés de type «sud-chinois » dans le Dévonien inférieur de la basse Rivière Noire (Song Da),Vietnam Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences-Series IIA-Earth and Planetary Science [Janvier, 1996 #28414]
Book Section 1968 Kahlke, Von H. D. Zur relativen chronologie ostasiatischer mittelpleistozän-faunen und Hominoidea-funde Evolution und Hominisation [Kahlke, 1968 #24789]
Book Section 2001 Matsuoka, Atsushi Early Middle Jurassic (Aalenian) radiolarian fauna from the Xialu chert in the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone, southern Tibet Faunal and floral migrations and evolution in SE Asia-Australasia [Matsuoka, 2001 #24366]
Journal Article 1984 Metcalfe, I. Stratigraphy, paleontology and paleogeography of the Carboniferous of Southeast Asia Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France [Metcalfe, 1984 #28408]
Book Section 2001 Nicoll, Robert S. Cambrian to Permian conodont biogeography in East Asia-Australasia Faunal and floral migrations and evolution in SE Asia-Australasia [Nicoll, 2001 #24370]
Book Section 2001 Rigby, J. F. A review of the Early Permian flora from Papua (West New Guinea) Faunal and floral migrations and evolution in SE Asia-Australasia [Rigby, 2001 #24368]
Journal Article 1970 Sartono, S. On the stratigraphic position of Pithecanthropus mandible-C Proceedings of the Institut Teknologi Bandung [Sartono, 1970 #30234]
Journal Article 2000 Storm, Paul The evolutionary history of humans in Australasia from an environmental perspective Anthropological Science [Storm, 2000 #31974]
Journal Article 1935 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre The Cenozoic sequence in the Yangtze Valley Bulletin of the Geological Society of China [Teilhard 1935 #30395]
Journal Article 1996 Thanh, Tong-Dzuy Fish suggests continental connections between the Indochina and South China blocks in Middle Devonian time Geology [Thanh, 1996 #28390]