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Ref ID: 37156
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Stark, Miriam
Title: Going Against Whose Grain? Archaeological Theory and Southeast Asia's Premodern States
Date: 2019
Source: Cambridge Archaeological Journal
DOI: 10.1017/S0959774319000416
Abstract: Southeast Asia is a paradox to Western scholars. Few are familiar with its history, yet Southeast Asia has been a veritable intellectual resource extraction zone for twentieth- and twenty-first-century social thought: imagined communities, galactic polities, agricultural involution and the moral economy of peasants all emanate from work done in Southeast Asia. The region's archaeological record is equally paradoxical: late Pleistocene ‘Hobbit’ hominins disrupt models of human origins, the world's largest Buddhist monument of Borobudur now sits in a wholly Muslim land mass in central Java, and the world's largest premodern city of Angkor is located in Cambodia, a country that remains resolutely rural. So we should not be surprised that Scott's Against the Grain: A deep history of the earliest states draws from a career in Southeast Asian studies to study human history (the entire Anthropocene). This essay concentrates on how Scott believes early Mesopotamian states became legible.
Volume: 29
Number: 4
Page End: 709
Series Editor: 711