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Ref ID: 35979
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Kohl, G.
Quitta, Hans
Title: Berlin radiocarbon dates V
Date: 1978
Source: Radiocarbon
Abstract: The dates presented in this paper comprise results of determinations made on archaeologic and geologic material from Socialist Republic Vietnam since 1969. Radioactivity was measured twice for 48 hours with gas proportional counters of Houtermans-Oeschger type, using methane at 1000mm Hg pressure as filling gas. Influence of cosmic and local environmental radiation on the counters was reduced with 30 tons of shielding material as described earlier (R, 1970, v 12, p 400-420).
Date Created: 2/18/2001
Volume: 20
Number: 3
Page Start: 386
Page End: 397