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Ref ID: 35637
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Clark, Geoffrey
Title: Mid-sequence isolation in Fiji 2500-1000 BP
Date: 2000
Source: Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association
Notes: Indo-Pacific Prehistory: The Melaka Papers, Vol. 3
Abstract: The reduction in imported materials found in the Lakeban sequence between 2500 and 1000 BP has been thought to represent diminishing areal contact within the Fiji archipelago. Declining interaction appeared to fit an isolation-by-density model where increasing population and settlement densities led to deepening community isolation. Analysis of ceramic attributes and a review of the interarchipelago transfer of materials 3000-1000 BP indicates that there is little evidence for isolation during the mid-sequence. In fact, continued contact is attested for the period ca. 2000-1000 BP. The finding suggests that the socio-cultural variation found in Fijian society at European contact was not solely caused by the radiation of isolated communities and that social diversification in an environment of continued archipelago interaction is a viable alternative to the isolation-by-density model.
Date Created: 3/27/2001
Volume: 19
Page Start: 152
Page End: 158
