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Ref ID: 35373
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Grave, Peter
Kealhofer, Lisa
Title: Assessing bioturbation in archaeological sediments using soil morphology and phytolith analysis
Date: 1999
Source: Journal of Archaeological Science
Abstract: Analysis of ditch infill at an early modern burial complex (dating from the 16th century ad) in upland northwestern Thailand was undertaken to assess the role of bioturbation in interpreting palaeolandscapes. Evidence for bioturbation and water percolation is contrasted with AMS radiocarbon determinations and a phytolith sequence. While more than 50% of the sediment column was disturbed by insect activity, the dates and phytolith data suggest soil mixing was localized. By understanding the processes of bioturbation, a distinctive pattern of swidden agriculture over the last 400 years can be distinguished. We conclude that for environments conventionally considered to be prone to bioturbation, the combination of soil morphology and phytolith analysis provides a new and effective measure of the extent of vertical movement in a sediment column.
Date Created: 6/4/2001
Volume: 26
Number: 10
Page Start: 1239
Page End: 1248