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Ref ID: 35134
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Seedat, H. A.
van Wyk, C. W.
Title: Submucous fibrosis in non-betel nut chewing subjects
Date: 1988
Source: British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Education)
Abstract: Six patients with the typical features of submucous fibrosis (SF) but without a history of betel nut chewing or an abnormal intake of chillies are described. All had palpable fibrous bands in their mouths and limited mouth opening as well as a variety of symptoms associated with SF. Biopsy specimens of the cheeks showed the classic features of SF, an atrophic epithelium and a very dense lamina propria. Also seen were hyperkeratosis, atypia and signet cell-like degeneration of the epithelium and chronic inflammation of the lamina propria. In 3 cases the fibrosis extended into the submucosa. As no reason for the disease could be demonstrated the question is asked whether people with a genetic predisposition can develop SF spontaneously.
Date Created: 6/28/2001
Volume: 16
Number: 1
Page Start: 3
Page End: 6
