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Ref ID: 35002
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Dave, B. J.
Trivedi, A. H.
Adhvaryu, S. G.
Title: Vitro genotoxic effects of areca nut extract and arecoline
Date: 1992
Source: Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology
Abstract: The genotoxic potential of the aqueous extract of areca nut as well as arecoline, the major alkaloid of the areca nut, was tested with the help of cytogenetic markers such as sister-chromatid exchanges and chromosome aberrations, utilizing Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The continuous-treatment and pulse-treatment schedules yielded dose dependent elevations in the frequencies of sister-chromatid exchange and chromosomal aberration in CHO cells, indicating a genotoxic effect of both the extract and arecoline. The results also imply that, besides arecoline, there may be some other water-extractable substances in the areca nut that make the extract more genotoxic. The chromosome damage was found to be more severe on treating the cells with low concentrations and for longer duration, which mimic the effects of chronic areca nut consumption.
Date Created: 6/28/2001
Volume: 118
Number: 4
Page Start: 283
Page End: 288
