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Ref ID: 34650
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Iscan, M. Yasar
Kessel, Morton H.
Marits, Susann
Title: Spectrographic analysis of trace elements in archaeological skeletal material from Florida: a preliminary report
Date: 1989
Source: American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Abstract: Technological advances have resulted in the development of an additional approach to determining the dietary practices of prehistoric populations. Bones are known to retain certain trace elements, the analysis of which should yield valuable clues to subsistence. Since there has never been a study of this nature attempted on Indian remains in Florida, a qualitative trace element analysis, using an optical emission spectrograph, was made of bone samples from indigenous populations representing both inland and coastal environments in this region. Results of this study showed that magnesium was present in all samples, copper was present in nearly half the samples, and manganese and zinc were not detected. Thus, although the diets of these groups may have varied, the trace element content did not reflect significant differences as have been reported for other types of analyses on Indian populations from diverse geographic regions.
Date Created: 7/5/2001
Volume: 79
Number: 4
Page Start: 483
Page End: 488