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Ref ID: 34587
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Migasena, P.
Choopanya, K.
Title: Nutrition and the environmental situation in Bangkok
Date: 1992
Source: Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Abstract: Bangk, the capital of Thailand, is a large city of about six million people. According to the rapid growth of economy, Bangk faces to the problems of urbanization and industrialization. Non-communicable disease such as cardiovascular diseases, cancers are the leading causes of death. There is a trend of increasing air pollution in the congested areas and industrialized zones, with the increase over the ambient air quality standard involving suspended particulate matter. Other public health problems include the sanitation of restaurants, the quality of drinking water and coloring agents in food, drug addiction especially in young males. Poor hygiene in drug injection is one of the major causes of HIV transmission. AIDS, originally our imported disease, needs urgent prevention by health education and counseling. Improvements in government and non-government health care resources are still needed. A good cooperative city health plan serves a practical purpose, especially for the solution of the air and water pollution in Bangk. However, pilot operational research on nutrition, health and environment in relation to city health planning needs to be discussed further for more effective implementation.
Date Created: 7/5/2001
Volume: 23
Page Start: 46
Page End: 53