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Ref ID: 34317
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Webb, Sarah C.
Hedges, Robert E. M.
Robinson, Mark
Title: The Seaweed Fly <i>Thoracochaeta zosterae</i> (Hal.) (Diptera: Sphaerocidae) in inland archaeological contexts: delta<sup>13</sup>C and delta<sup>15</sup>N solves the puzzle
Date: 1998
Source: Journal of Archaeological Science
Abstract: The presence of the fly Thoracochaeta zosterae in cesspits had led to the unlikely interpretation that seaweed had been present in Mediaeval cesspitis. Archaeological and modern pupae from T. zosterae were sampled along with their probable larval diets (extracted plant material from cesspit and seaweed, respectively). The spacing between pupae and food for d13C and d15N was similar for both modern and archaeological samples. Modern pupae had isotopic ratios typical for marine invertebrates for d13C. Archaeological puparia had isotopic values typical for terrestrial grazers (i.e., non-marine), indicating that there was no marine inclusion in the cesspits.
Date Created: 8/10/2001
Volume: 25
Number: 12
Page Start: 1253
Page End: 1257