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Ref ID: 33123
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Casteel, Richard W.
Title: Estimated Ainu population density on the Island of Hokkaido: a test of the P<sub>max(2)</sub> model
Date: 1980
Source: Asian Perspectives (1978)
Abstract: Modifications to a model for estimation of maximum human population size and density are presented. The model is applied to ethnohistoric data for the Ainu on the island of Hokkaido to test the ability of the model's predictions to approximate the available census figures. The results indicate that the predicted population densities and sizes are within 6 persent of the ethnohistoric census figures. It is concluded that the model is efficient and accurate predictor of population densities and sizes among human hunter-gatherer groups.
Date Created: 12/28/2002
Volume: 21
Number: 1
Page Start: 1
Page End: 6