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Ref ID: 33094
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: White, J. Peter
Downie, J. E.
Title: Excavations at Lesu, New Ireland
Date: 1983
Source: Asian Perspectives (1980)
Notes: Listed on Scholar Space as <i>Asian Perspectives</i>, 1983
Abstract: Introduction: In 1969 White conducted an archaeological survey in the north-central part of New Ireland, concentrating primarily on the east coast. Excavations were conducted at two sites, Balof shelter (White 1972
Downie 1976
Downie and White 1978
White, Downie, and Ambrose 1978) and the open site of Lesu (White 1972). The latter excavations are described in this report. Preliminary analysis of the material was undertaken by White in 1970-1971 and a more complete analysis was made by Downie in 1977-1978. In this report, the sections on faunal material, pottery, shell, and bone artifacts are primarily the work of Downie
others are by White. Appendix 2, on pottery tempers, is by W. R. Dickinson.
Date Created: 12/28/2002
Volume: 23
Number: 2
Page Start: 193
Page End: 220
