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Ref ID: 33093
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Stamps, Richard B.
Title: Jar burials from the Lobusbussan site, Orchid (Botel Tobago) Island
Date: 1983
Source: Asian Perspectives (1980)
Notes: Listed on Scholar Space as <i>Asian Perspectives</i>, 1983
Abstract: Introduction: Orchid Island (also known as Botel Tobago, Kotosho, Hung-tou-yii or Lan Yii) is one of several small islands that form a chain stretching north from the Philippines, past Taiwan, through the Ryukyus to Japan. Orchid Island is 82 kilometers (49 miles) southeast of the city of Taitung on Taiwan's east coast, and has a surface area of 45 km<sup>2</sup> (18 mi<sup>2</sup>). The indigenous peoples are known as the Yami. Although the Yami have a rich oral tradition, little is known archaeologically about their history or origins. In an attempt to fill this void in the archaeological record, the author carried out reconnaissance work on Orchid Island, Republic of China, in May and June 1977. Twenty-two sites were located: six recent historic sites (under modern villages), seven abandoned village sites mentioned in the folklore, three related to agricultural activities, one cave site, and one burial site (Stamps 1978). The purpose of this paper is to report the findings from the jar burial site of Lobusbussan. Lobusbussan (site 9) is located immediately adjacent to the road in a cluster of overgrowth among the taro fields on the southwestern portion of the island (Fig. 1), between the modern villages of Hung Tou (Imurud) and Yii Jen (Iratai).
Date Created: 12/28/2002
Volume: 23
Number: 2
Page Start: 181
Page End: 192
