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Ref ID: 31617
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Nguyen Duy,
Title: Cai noi loai nguoi o dau? [ Where would have to be located the human--cradle ]
Date: 1980
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: English summary on page 90 as follows:In spite of the recent prominent discoveries in East Africa, the author yet argues that the cradle of the early man should be settled in Asia, perhaps South East Asia: 1. The great majority of the Ramapithecus fossils was recovered from Asia. 2. Gigantopithecus and Langsonpithecus (a pithe-anthropoid fossil recently found in Viet Nam and assimilated by some authors to Pongo) were shown in Nghe Tinh and Lang Son. 3. By the biologic process, all the fossils of Australopithecus from Africa are classified in a same category- species, the Pithe- anthropoid (rather than Homo). The differentations are due rather to the sexual dimorphism. Asia has so far its own Australopithecus fossils: Megantropus (Java), Hemantropus Pei (medical shops), Australopithecus (Hou Pei). 4.Homo habilis is in fact but an African aspect of Homo erectus. The Homo habilis first recovered from Olduvai has a restreint skull capacity (680cc). Her fine traits are due rather to her non maturity and her female character. All the Homo habilis further discovered hava a skull capacity of approximately 1000cc and look like Homo erectus from Pekin and Java. 5. The oldest human fossil so far known is the Homo erectus 4 (Pithecantropus 4) from Java, of 1,900,000 years old. (the oldest one from East Africa is but 1,800,000 years old) 6. The total of Homo erectus fossuils in good condition from East Asia is twofold and is distributed in various stages from about two million years up to many thousands years ago. 7. The probably so far most ancient dated remains of Homo sapiens fossils had been recovered from Vietnam: some molar-teeth of Homo sapiens contemporary with Gigantopithecus from Nghe Tinh
a fragment of frontal bone and molar teethof Homo sapiens contemporary with Langsonpithecus from Lang Son. 8. A lot of lower palaeolithic implements was found in Viet Nam: from Mount Do and Quan Yen (Thanh Hoa). Tan Mai (Quang Ninh). Xuan Loc (Dong Nai).
Date Created: 12/1/2003
Number: 33
Page Start: 6
Page End: 35
