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Ref ID: 31283
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Le Trong Khanh,
Title: Tu to « Lac » va nhung luoi cay dong--tin hieu ve loai hinh san xuat nong nghiep lua nuoc cua van minh Dong Son [ Lexis and bronze ploughshares-indications of agrcultural production mode based on wet rice in Dongsonian civilization]
Date: 1982
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: English summary on page 50 as follows: Before the invasion by the Han feudalists, one language dominantly prevailed over our country. Nhat Nam ethnics (whose descendants are present Cham H're), along with Giao Chi, Cuu Chan and Hop Pho people. shared a common language which was basically homogeneous. Basing on Tay Cham H're linguistic data to trace the etymology and semantic origin of the word « Lac », one may say that « Lac » means « ploughing ». By defining as such, all compound nouns with «Lac» can be explained satisfactorily, like : -- Lac Viet: Vietnamese cultivating the field by draught force. -- Lac Dien: the field cultivated by draught force. -- Lac Dan : land tiller -- Lac Vuong, Lac hau, Lac Tuong: the King, Marquis, General of the land tillers. Archaeologyhas discovered the bronze shares of Dongsonian culture and proved the cultivation of wet rice by draught force. From these productive activities the word « Lac » had become a family name and other appellations.
Date Created: 2/10/2004
Number: 41
Page Start: 47
Page End: 50