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Ref ID: 31201
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Szabó, Katherine
Ramirez, Hazel
Anderson, Atholl
Bellwood, Peter
Title: Prehistoric subsistence strategies on the Batanes Islands, northern Philippines
Date: 2003
Source: Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association
Notes: Proceedings of the 17th Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Taipei, Taiwan 9 to 15 September 2002.
Abstract: Recent excavations on the Batanes Islands, northern Philippines have produced remains from a number of sites collectively spanning a 3000 year period. Seven of the sites produced limited faunal assemblages including both bone and shell allowing questions to be asked about the nature of subsistence over this time-span. Comparison of the archaeological material with ethnographic portrayals of subsistence on Batanes revealed some inconsistencies - particularly regarding the importance of marine products in Ivatan diet. The persistence in the archaeological material of a terrestrial rather than a marine focus has interesting implications for maritime pursuits in general in Batanes prehistory.
Date Created: 3/31/2004
Volume: 23
Page Start: 163
Page End: 171