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Ref ID: 31022
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Dinh Khac Thuan,
TongTrung Tin,
Title: Ve tam bia da thoi Tran o chua Thieu Long ( Ha Noi ) [ On the stele of Tran dynasty at Thieu Long Buddhist temple ( Ha Noi )]
Date: 1991
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: English summary on page 77 as follws: The paper introduces the stele from Tran dynasty in 1226 Tam Hiep hamlet, Phuc Tho district, Hanoi city: The position, decoration, transcription and translation of the transcription. From the sculptural designs on Thieu Long stele, the authors realize that beside the characteriastics similar to the art of Ly dynasty appeared new features of the art of Tran dynasty-simpler, cleaner and stronger. From these, the authors discussed the general as well as the particular characteristics of architecture and arrangement of worship statues at Thieu Long temple in the comparison with other buddhist temples of Ly Tran period, in which, for the first time, the stele inscriptions referred to Apsara status and Gandharva-king statue. It also supplied the biography of do Nang Te of Tran dy-nasty. Thieu Long stele constitutes valuable data to the study of history, culture and society of Ly-Tran period.
Date Created: 5/28/2004
Number: 76
Page Start: 64
Page End: 77