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Ref ID: 30906
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Han Van Khan,
Title: Vai nhan xet buoc dau ve ky thuat che tao gom thoi dai kim khi vung trung du va dong bang Bac Bo Viêt Nam [ Some primary remarks on the pottery manufacturing in the Metal Age of the midland and plain of northern Vietnam]
Date: 1994
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: All pottery types from the Phung Nguyen to the Dong Son cultures were made from clay tempered with sand, schist limestone . . . the choice of raw materials and mixture of clay-temper were implemented by experience, by habit, by estimation, by eyes, by hand without any accurate measuring. Therefore, pottery were varied in colour, characterising each period, each area. This is also the base for us to have classified pottery into fine pottery, coarse pottery, black pottery, red pottery, mouldily-white pottery. The burnt brown appearing in the late Dong Son period and existing in the three regional types (Red River valley, Ma River valley, and Ca River valley) expresses the standard of choice and preparation of raw material and firing at the high level. Pottery from the Phung Nguyen - Dong Son cultures was formed with two techniques: forming on the wheel for pottery of large size and forming by hand for pottery of small size.
Date Created: 5/28/2004
Number: 90
Page Start: 37
Page End: 47