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Ref ID: 30869
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Glover, Ian
Yamagata, Mariko
Title: Nguon goc ve van minh Cham: cac yeu to ban dia cac anh huong cua Trung Quoc, An Do o mien Trung Viêt Nam qua ket qua khai quat Tra Kieu (Duy Xuyen, Quang Nam - Da Nang ) 1993 [ See notes for English title]
Date: 1995
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included. [ The Origins of Cham civilization: Chinese and Indian influences in central Vietnam by excavation at Tra Kieu - Vietnam (1993)]
Abstract: English summary on page 61 as follows: From the result of our excavation, we are close to identifying at Tra Kieu, the interface between the prehistoric Sa Huynh culture, early "Indian" contacts, the Han expansion into Vietnam, and the early Cham state of Linyi even if we do not yet fully understand yhe relationships between them. We feel it difficult to recorgaise any obvious Sa Huynh influence in the earliest pottery excavated at Tra Kieu. However, it is clear that late Sa Huynh sites such as Hau Xa are contemporary with the early levels at tra Kieu and there is no room for an intervening cultural tradition between Sa Huynh and Cham was rapid and revolutionary as the small scale chiefly village societies of the late prehistoric period were incorporated into network of trade and exchange extending from the Mediterranean via Inida to China enabling village leaders to expand their spheres of influence into kingdoms supported by new forms of political and religious expression provided by India.
Date Created: 6/6/2004
Page Start: 46
Page End: 61
