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Ref ID: 30856
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Nguyen Gia Doi,
Title: Vai net ve thoi dai da cu Nhat Ban [ Some feature of Paleolothic Age in Japan ]
Date: 1995
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: English summary on page 80 as follows: A series of sites located at Babadan A and Zasaragi in Miyagi Perfecture has recently been dated from 150 to 200 hundred thousand years ago. The associated tools are said to resemble those from the upper layers of the Zhoukoudian cave deposit of northern China. Although no human fossil evidence recovered from there sites, the excavators postulate the a migration of Homo Erectus could have occured. Around sixty-five thousand years ago another migration, from the region of Mongolia and Lake Baikal in Southern Siberia, is said to have introduced varied tool types, such as sawtooth knives, points, and knives made of flakes. Around thirty-three thousand years ago, the appearance of of edge grinding technology and knives made of blades demarcates the beginning of the Late Paleolithic. In this period, there was a formation of local cultural characteristies caused by influence of various ecological areas: the tundra zone in Eastern Hokkaido
the temperate coniferous forest zone in the kanto Plain and most western Japan
warm broadleaf evergreen zone in the southern tip of Kyushu... Since 13,000 B.C., microlithic tools were common, earliest pottery also appeared, trangressing to the initial stage of the succedding Jomon Culture.
Date Created: 6/6/2004
Page Start: 74
Page End: 80
