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Ref ID: 30738
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Diep Dinh Hoa,
Nguyen Tac Anh,
Title: Phan tich mau khao co bang phuong phap kich hoat no tron [ Neutron activation analysis in archaeology]
Date: 1999
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: After introducing the method of Neutron Activation Analysis, the authors have analyzed 20 metal samples of the artifacts from the Dong Son Culture. All the 20 samples are alloy of bronze but their rates were different. The content of precious metals such as gold, silver . . . existed in all the samples. The Dong Son artifacts with metal component: copper - tin - zinc belong to the late period.
Date Created: 6/11/2004
Number: 110
Page Start: 40
Page End: 43