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Ref ID: 30720
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Lai Van Toi,
Title: Nhung cu dan dau tien o Co Loa [ Initial inhabitants in coa Loa]
Date: 1999
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: Englsih summary on page 54 as follows: The initialinhabitants settled in Co Loa about 4,000 BP. They gethered in three areas, forming three large villages along Hoang Giang River and nearly the large pond: The South area (typically Dong Vong), the central area (typically Xuan Kieu) and the north area (typically Dinh Trang). The study of the evolution of the material culture in the sites, the archaeologists possibly see the close relationship between these areas in Co Loa as well as the areas of neighbouring inhabitants at Tu Son (Bac Ninh), Phung Nguyen, Go Bong ... (Phu Tho) and the north - east coast like Trang Kenh.
Date Created: 6/11/2004
Page Start: 39
Page End: 54
