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Ref ID: 30694
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Tyler, D. E.
Title: An examination of the taxonomic status of the fragmentary mandible Sangiran 5 (Pithecanthropus dubius), Homo erectus, "Meganthropus", or Pogo?
Date: 2004
Source: Quaternary International
Abstract: There are 12 known mandibular fossils from the Lower and Middle Pleistocene of Java, all but two from the Sangiran Dome region. All of these have been assigned at various times to Homo erectus, but the same specimens have been said by others to represent as many as four different hominoid taxa. This is not, however, the finding of this paper. In the case of Sangiran 5, even its hominid status has been disputed. Here, I provide detailed descriptions and comparisons with fossil hominids and great apes that show that the morphology of Sangiran 5 is well beyond the known range of any H. erectus. Sangiran 5 (S5) shows traits only found in orangutans and must be a pongid.
Date Created: 6/26/2004
Volume: 117
Number: 1
Page Start: 125
Page End: 130