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Ref ID: 30649
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Jung, S. J. A.
Davies, G. R.
Ganssen, G. M.
Kroon, D.
Title: Synchronous Holocene sea surface temperature and rainfall variations in the Asian monsoon system
Date: 2004
Source: Quaternary Science Reviews
Abstract: An increasing number of high-resolution paleoclimate records show substantial natural variation during the Holocene. In order to improve climate projections on human lifetime, the processes that potentially control teleconnections between different parts of the climate system need to be understood. A highly suitable area to study these processes is the Asian monsoon system, as it is one of the most dynamic climate systems on Earth and largely controls climate in Asia and the Indo-W-Pacific realm. Here, we present a Holocene stable O-isotope record from the summer-dwelling planktic foraminifer G. bulloides in Core 905 off Somalia. Initially dated by the radiocarbon method the record was tuned to atmospheric 14C-variations without violating the radiocarbon dates. The O-isotope variations in Core 905 imply monsoon-controlled Holocene average summer sea surface temperature variations of up to 2–2.5 °C within decades to centuries. Other proxy records from marine and continental settings representing key locations in the Asian monsoon system were compared with the record of Core 905. Within the resolution of the individual age models, Holocene monsoonal records vary in concert for the Arabian Sea, continental China and the South China Sea and imply simultaneous warm/wet and cool/dry alternations in the Asian monsoon within centuries to decades. Two potential scenarios are discussed to explain the coherent monsoonal records. Scenario one involves trade wind-induced temperature variations in the W-Pacific warm pool as the driving force. The second scenario advocates the controlling process to synchronous variations in trade wind strength simultaneously occurring over the Pacific and Indian Ocean.
Date Created: 10/6/2004
Volume: 23
Page Start: 2207
Page End: 2218
