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Ref ID: 30451
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Derevianko, Anatoly P.
Postnov, Alexander V.
Rybin, Eugeny P.
Kuzmin, Yaroslav V.
Keates, Susan G.
Title: The Pleistocene peopling of Siberia: a review of environmental and behavioural aspects
Date: 2005
Source: Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association
Notes: Proceedings of the 17th Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Taipei, Taiwan 9 to 15 September 2002
Abstract: The Altai Mountains in southern Siberia are one of the prime regions for archaeological investigation in Russia. We present data on the environmental, chronological and technological evidence recorded from major Pleistocene sites in the Altai. These show that hominid populations in this region lived in both forested and open environments, particularly in the Late Pleistocene, and used mainly Mousterian and Upper Palaeolithic technologies for manufacturing stone tools. The Palaeolithic archaeology of the Altai is important for increasing our knowledge of Pleistocene human adaptations in Eurasia, including the issue of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition, the dynamics of human adaptation to higher elevations, and deciphering what significance the Altai may have had in regional Asian hominid dispersal.
Date Created: 11/28/2005
Volume: 25
Page Start: 57
Page End: 68