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Ref ID: 29793
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Craddock, P.
Title: The copper alloys of the medieval Islamic world - inheritors of the classical tradition
Date: 1979
Source: World Archaeology
Abstract: The scientific and alchemic work of the Islamic period was firmly rooted in the traditions of the classical world. In this paper the alloys used by the Islamic metalsmiths are described with special reference to the preceding Roman metalwork. The principal change was from bronze to brass as the usual alloy, but some alloys (notably heavily leaded metal) continue to be produced. Some more unusual alloys have been encountered in this study and can be compared to alloys from Medieval Europe or China, and the writings of the alchemists and technologists.
Date Created: 10/24/2007
Volume: 11
Number: 1
Page Start: 68
Page End: 79
