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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1979 Matics, K. I. Hell scenes in Thai murals Journal of the Siam Society [Matics, 1979 #36801]
Journal Article 1979 Endicott, Kirk The hunting methods of the Batek Negritos of Malaysia: a problem of alternatives Canberra Anthropology [Endicott, 1979 #26605]
Thesis 1979 Miksic, John Norman Archaeology, Trade and Society in Northeast Sumatra [Miksic, 1979 #36270]
Journal Article 1979 Terwiel, B. J. Tai funeral customs: towards a reconstruction of archaic-Tai ceremonies Anthropos [Terwiel, 1979 #27665]
Journal Article 1979 Ha Van Phung, In search of relations between Go Mun and Dong Son cultures Khao Co Hoc [Ha 1979 #27819]
Journal Article 1979 Durrenberger, E. Paul Misfortune and therapy among the Lisu of northern Thailand Anthropological Quarterly [Durrenberger, 1979 #27874]
Book Section 1979 Charnvit Kasetsiri, Thai historiography: from ancient times to the modern period Perceptions of the past in Southeast Asia [Charnvit 1979 #22532]
Book 1979 Popkin, Samuel L. The rational peasant: the political economy of rural society in Vietnam [Popkin, 1979 #19962]
Journal Article 1979 Hedges, R. E. M. The heavy mineral separation of ancient ceramics by centrifugation: a preliminary report Archaeometry [Hedges, 1979 #28076]
Journal Article 1979 Şengör, A. M. Celâl Mid-Mesozoic closure of Permo-Triassic tethys and its implications Nature [Şengör, 1979 #28396]
Journal Article 1979 Birdsell, J. B. Abstract to "A reassessment of the age, sex and population affinities of the Niah cranium" American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Birdsell, 1979 #28533]
Journal Article 1979 Aijmer, Goran Reconciling power with authority: an aspect of statecraft in traditional Laos Man [Aijmer, 1979 #28661]
Journal Article 1979 Charma, T. C. Archaeology in Assam Ancient Ceylon [Charma, 1979 #28746]
Conference Proceeding 1979 SPAFA Workshop on Research on Srivijaya, Jakarta, Indonesia, March 12-17, 1979 Workshop on Research on Srivijaya, Jakarta, Indonesia [SPAFA 1979 #26548]
Book 1979 Shen, Zonghan Zhonghua nong ye shi : lun ji [Shen, 1979 #20156]
Book 1979 Reade, Julian Early etched beads and the Indus-Mesopotamia trade [Reade, 1979 #20212]
Book 1979 Rao, S. R. Lothal, a Harappan port town [Rao, 1979 #20221]
Journal Article 1979 Possehl, Gregory Hunter-gatherer/agriculturalist exchange in prehistory: an Indian example Current Anthropology [Possehl, 1979 #28933]
Book 1979 Possehl, Gregory Ancient cities of the Indus [Possehl, 1979 #20237]
Book Section in a Series 1979 Jochim, Michael A. Breaking down the system: recent ecological approaches in archaeology Advances in archaeological method and theory [Jochim, 1979 #25599]
Book 1979 Cort, Louise Allison Shigaraki, potters' valley [Cort, 1979 #20270]
Book 1979 Howitz, Pensak C. Ceramics from the sea: evidence from the Koh Kradad shipwreck, excavated in 1979 [Howitz, 1979 #20306]
Book 1979 Osborn, Ann La cerámica de Los Tunebos : un estudio etnológico [Osborn, 1979 #20343]
Journal Article 1979 Verin, Pierre Archaeological research in Madagaskar Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Verin, 1979 #29190]
Journal Article 1979 Loofs, H. H. F. Annette Laming-Emperaire, 1917-1977 Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Loofs, 1979 #29189]
Journal Article 1979 Misra, Virendra Nath The Acheulian industry of rock shelter IIIF-23 at Bhimbetka, Central India - a preliminary study Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Misra, 1979 #29205]
Journal Article 1979 Wolters, O. W. Studying Srivijaya Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Wolters, 1979 #29246]
Report 1979 Spriggs, Matthew Their patrimonial soil they rudely till'd: taro irrigation in Oceania, Year One report [Spriggs, 1979 #36215]
Report 1979 Spriggs, Matthew Col de la Pirogue, New Caledonia: preliminary report on taro irrigation [Spriggs, 1979 #36214]
Report 1979 Spriggs, Matthew The early New Hebrideans [Spriggs, 1979 #36213]