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Ref ID: 29625
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Gunn, M.
Graves, M.
Title: Constructing seriations from the Guthe collection, the Central Philippines: implications for Southeast Asian ceramic chronologies
Date: 1995
Source: Asian Perspectives (1995)
Abstract: Using ceramic assemblages from the Guthe Collection that were studied by Solheim (1964), we employ the seriation method to arrange Philippine earthenware vessels by major artifact class, surface treatment, design, and morphology. While general artifact classes such as porcelain and iron produced successful striations across all of the sites, we found that, for certain vessel dimensions, striations produced "best-fit" arrangements when sites were grouped by geographic location. The results of our analyses may support a divergence model of social groups sharing common ceramic styles, reflected by similar morphological traits, spreading out from a central location rather than the foreign-based migration scenarios proposed by many Southeast Asian archaeologists.
Date Created: 1/28/2008
Volume: 34
Number: 2
Page Start: 257
Page End: 282