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Ref ID: 29096
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Kluyev, Nikolay A., Sleptsov, Igor Y.
Title: Late Pleistocene and early Holocene uses of basaltic glass in Primorye, Far East Russia: A new perspective based on sites near the sources
Date: 2007
Source: Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association
Notes: Special section on volcanic glass
Proceedings of the 18th Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, Manila, Philippines, 20 to 26 March 2006.
Abstract: Basaltic glass artefacts are common at many sites dating from the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene in the Primorye region of Far East Russia. Sourcing by various geochemical techniques indicates that the vast majority are derived from outcrops in the nearby Shkotovo Plateau. This raises the problem of where and how the large quantities of basaltic glass were acquired: e.g. through trade, embedded procurement, or direct access to outcrops. A recent survey has located 10 new sites (Tigrovy 1-10) on river terraces near these basaltic glass sources. Study of the material can provide information about which form of procurement was used in the past. Some of the sites are proposed as primary `quarries,' whereas others are hypothesised as temporary camps or longer term base camps. Our preliminary conclusion is that the sites located near the sources are linked to distant settlement sites, possibly as part of seasonal movements between the forest and the river valleys.
Date Created: 3/23/2010
Volume: 27
Page Start: 129
Page End: 134