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Ref ID: 28928
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Forestier, Hubert
Title: De quelques chaînes opératoires lithiques en Asie du Sud-Est au Pléistocène supérieur final et au début de l'Holocène
Date: 2000
Source: L'Anthropologie
Language: French
Abstract: Abstract - About some operating sequences in Southeast Asia during the late upper Pleistocene and the early Holocene. The variability of lithic production systems of Homo erectus and Homo sapiens in Southeast Asia is still mostly unknown because of the size of this area which is dispatched between continentality and insularity and because of the scarcity of typological synthesis. Southeast Asia does not follow the linear and simple evolutionary stone implements model that we find in Western Europe (choppers / chopping tools, bifaces, flakes debitage, etc.) but it seems to defy any logico-empirical scheme. The different operating sequences ('chaîne opératoire') that are listed here are not exhaustive and on the contrary, they pose the question of the variability of the lithic production system of the modern human in this region of the world in a tropical environment. Following a strictly qualitative point of view, we will only discuss the operating sequences of shaping and debitage knapping made by forceful hammering.
Date Created: 1/18/2011
Volume: 104
Page Start: 531
Page End: 548