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Ref ID: 28577
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Willcox, George
Fornite, Sandra
Herveux, Linda
Title: Early Holocene cultivation before domestication in northern Syria
Date: 2008
Source: Vegetation History and Archaeobotany
DOI: 10.1007/s00334-007-0121-y
Abstract: Charred plant remains from the sites of Tell Qaramel, Jerf el Ahmar, Dja’de and Tell ‘Abr situated in northern Syria and dated to the tenth and ninth millennia cal b.c. demonstrate that a wide variety of wild pulses, cereals, fruits and nuts was exploited. Five lines of evidence suggest that cultivation was practised at three of the sites. (1) Wild einkorn, wild rye and lentils occur outside their natural habitats. (2) The founder crops barley, emmer and single-grained einkorn appear at different times. (3) An assemblage of weeds of cultivation was identified. (4) There is a gradual decrease in gathered plants such as small seeded grasses and Polygonum/Rumex. (5) Barley grains increase in breadth and thickness. Morphological domestication did not become established, perhaps because seed stock was regularly collected from wild stands. Charred rodent droppings indicate large-scale grain storage.
Date Created: 10/27/2011
Volume: 17
Number: 3
Page Start: 313
Page End: 325