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Ref ID: 28567
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Than, Tharaphi
Title: Understanding prostitutes and prostitution in democratic Burma, 1942-62: state jewels or victims of modernity?
Date: 2011
Source: South East Asia Research
DOI: 10.5367/sear.2011.0068
Abstract: Prostitution in Burmese society, as in many South East Asian countries, is a taboo subject. Unlike prostitution in countries such as Thailand, however, prostitution in Burma does not attract strong media or scholarly debate. The state and the media in Burma, during both colonial and post-colonial periods, have tended and tend to see the problem of prostitution as one of 'others'. Colonialism, a decline in morality and the corruption of women influenced by modernity or Western culture have often been portrayed as the culprits. This article analyses the Burmese terms for prostitutes and examines how prostitution was portrayed by the print media between 1942 and 1962, during which time the press was thought to have enjoyed a certain degree of freedom. Seen as a threat to the British troops during the colonial period, prostitutes were subject to controversial medical screenings
yet, seen as victims of modernity during Burma's parliamentary period (1948-62), they were often left on their own to 'resurrect' their morality.
Date Created: 10/28/2011
Volume: 19
Number: 3
Page Start: 537
Page End: 565