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Ref ID: 23548
Ref Type: Book Section
Authors: Tranet, Michel
Title: Découvertes récentes d'inscriptions khmères
Date: 1998
Source: Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archeologists
Place of Publication: Hull
Publisher: Centre for South-East Asian Studies, University of Hull
Language: French
Abstract: The author emphasizes the need to carry out archaeological research in the "peripheral" provinces of Takeo, Prey Veng, Kompong Speu, Kompong Cham, Oddor Manchey, all very rich in pre-Angkorian remains and so far neglected in favour of studies on Angkor. Surveys carried in these provinces during the past years have recovered 23 new inscriptions written in Sanskrit, in Khmer or in both languages. These are listed, briefly described and provisionally dated on paleographic grounds.
Date Created: 10/21/2009
Editors: Manguin, Pierre-Yves
Volume: 2
Page Start: 103
Page End: 112