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Ref ID: 22607
Ref Type: Book Section
Authors: Anand Singh Salam,
Title: The ancient Hindu heritage sites in the Quanzhou Port
Date: 2012
Source: Maritime cultural heritage and archaeology in seas surrounding China
Place of Publication: Beijing
Publisher: Science Press
Notes: Book Edited by the Center for Maritime Archaeology in Xiamen University Editor in chief: Wu Chunming
Abstract: Through the expansion of Sea Trade and spread of Buddhism, the trade exchange between Ancient Indian coast and China became more and more frequently. As a result of Sea Trade in South China, Quanzhou turned to the largest port city during Song and Yuan Dynasty. The merchants from India lived in of southern and Quanzhou left various Hindu Archaeological Relics, including Hindu Temple sculptors and other relics such as Standing Vishnu, Vishnu rescuing Elephant King, Sacred cow licking Shiva Linga, Elephant offering flowers to Linga, Narasimha God, Krishna Vitthala, Vishnu with Garuda, Krishna playing flute, Dancing Shiva, Linga and four-armed God, worshiping of Lingam, Tamil Inscriptions and the evident of folk belief to Goddess Durga etc. These ancient Indian historical sites scattered around Quanzhou and the acquisition in Maritime Historical Museum should be the Cultural Heritage of Indian merchants inhabited during Song and Yuan Dynasty.
Date Created: 3/19/2015
Editors: Center for Maritime Archaeology in Xiamen University
Wu Chunming,