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Ref ID: 22398
Ref Type: Book Section
Authors: Vaish, Ashok Kumar
Singh, Shiwa Dhar
Title: Improvements in traditional Indian iron making technology
Date: 2015
Source: Metals and civilizations
Place of Publication: Bangalore, India
Publisher: National Institute of Advanced Studies
Notes: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the Beginnings of the Use of Metals and Alloys (BUMA VII)
Abstract: Iron has been produced and used in India for over 3000 years. Indian tribes preserved the technology of ancient iron making up to the 20th century. In order to reduce the cost and energy requirement and increase the yield of product several improvements were necessary to improve the basic process adopted by the tribals. The National Metallurgical Laboratory of Jamshedpur initiated investigations to understand the ancient iron making process and implemented a number of improvements to make the process a source of livelihood for tribals. Initially a prototype traditional furnace was established to study the effect of different process parameters. The foot driven bellows were replaced by a semi-mechanized air blower, and sal wood charcoal was replaced by charcoal made from eucalyptus or acacia. The ancient iron making process was scaled–up by incorporating the heat recovery system and three semi mechanized air blowers. Hot air was blown into the entire cross section of the furnace through three tuyeres positioned at 1200 apart from each other with a view to increase the yield of product from 25 to 54 %.
Date Created: 4/11/2016
Editors: Srinivasam, Sharada
Ranganathan, Srinivasa
Giumlia-Mair, Alessandra
Page Start: 103
Page End: 111
