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Ref ID: 22257
Ref Type: Book Section
Authors: Yukongdi, Pakpadee
Title: Thailand: country report of archaeological activities 2013-2015
Date: 2018
Source: Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2016
Place of Publication: Bangkok
Publisher: SEAMEO SPAFA Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts
Abstract: The Fine Arts Department operates the work of national cultural heritage in Thailand, and its mission is to protect, conserve and maintain the value and identity of Thai nationality. The Division of Archaeology and Group of Archaeology in the 1st -15th Regional Office of Fine Arts Department are responsible for archaeological work throughout the country. New evidences have been unearthed every year and most important one is the ancient Arabian shipwreck near the Gulf of Siam. A successful Underwater Archaeological Training Centre also has been established and a project on the Ancient Trade Route between the Arabian Sea and the South China Sea is a hot researching issue. Moreover, many artefacts found in southern provinces show the religious influences from India sub-continent to Malay Peninsula, also trade from China. With these evidences found from north to south, east to west, Thailand is always hub of ASEAN in many aspects since prehistoric time.
Identifier: 978-616-7961-16-3
Date Created: 4/3/2018
Editors: Tan, Noel Hidalgo
Page Start: 65
Page End: 72