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Ref ID: 19973
Ref Type: Book
Authors: Hurst, Philip
Title: Rainforest politics: ecological destruction in South-East Asia
Date: 1990
Place of Publication: London
Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey
Publisher: Zed Books
Notes: Description: Philip Hurst uses six case studies—the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, and Burma—to illustrate the environmental, human, and economic consequences of forest destruction. He explains how its causes are rooted in an exploitation of natural resources for Western markets, as well as a range of other factors, including the land hunger of small farmers, ill-conceived development strategies, and the pressures of foreign debt. Hurst stresses the need to involve local people in the management of the remaining forests. He explores national parks, protection of tribal land rights, and other specific policy measures.
Date Created: 4/20/2015
Page End: 303