Abstract: |
The site of Obluang, on the River Mae Chaem (Province of Chiang Mai, Thailand) was discovered in 1984. In 1985 and 1986, two areas on the left bank of the river were excavated and these correspond to two different periods. The Mesolithic settlement, under a rockshelter, yielded pebble tools of a general Hoabinhian type. Several occupational floors could be recognized although the site was largely disturbed. The Bronze Age burial included an assemblage of bronze, shell, and carnelian ornaments, associated with cordmarked pottery. Another settlement was found on the right bank which yielded an assemblage of polished stone axes and adzes, cord marked pottery, and a few pebble tools. The pottery differs from that found in the burial. The sites at Obluang provide an embryonic chronology that further excavations, surveys, and absolute dating will permit us to refine.